Tuesday 30 November 2010

Pix, Notting Hill ***

Everything about Pix oozes cool. It is situated in the vicinity of Notting Hill and a short walk from Beach Blanket Babylon on Westbourne Grove. The interior boasts large tables fashioned out of old doors and the decor is cool, hip and eye catching. If that wasn't enough each and every member of staff looks as if they've just stepped off the catwalk and into the restaurant and to top it all off the large windows make it an ideal place to have a leisurely weekend brunch. The crowd is highly diverse ranging from middle aged couples to 20-something groups as well as individuals enjoying a leisurely meal.

Pix specialises in tapas and each dish is laid out on the rather large counter towards the kitchen area of the restaurant. Each dish or 'pintxos' is immaculately prepared, fresh and warm - very little is left sitting out on the counter. My favourite was the ham and quails egg pintxos as well as the white chocolate and foie gras. Suffice to say I spent a lot more time on my feet than I did at my table but each dish was a genuine treat and each of the courses was excellent.

This restaurant may not appeal to the dining traditionalists however it is great fun if you have kids or youngsters in your group. Don't get too excited however as you may find you end up having selected quite a few pintxos all of which are measured by the sticks that accompany them - it's not difficult to generate a sizeable bill! I would give this restaurant a respectable 3 out of 5.


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